Tuesday, July 13, 2010

English Summer cloud and raindrop necklace

Bubblegum Plastic is where we talk about all the other fun stuff... where I try to think about more than just shoes!

I love cute little whimsical necklaces, especially from the talented folks on Etsy. When I was browsing around the other day, I saw this sweet cloud and rain necklace from Mixko.

The piece is about 4" from the top of the little felted cloud to the bottom crystal raindrop.

Even though it is a raincloud, it's a happy little cloud with sparkly blue raindrops. So it makes you smile!

English Summer rain and cloud necklace - $30 from Mixko on Etsy. She also has an adorable rainbow necklace and some delicate butterfly rings that I love too. Check her out!

Friday, July 9, 2010

New Changes

You are noticing the changes here, I'm sure. Or at least I hope so!

I'm hoping to bring Bubblegum Plastic into the Shoe Daydreams world a bit more, so I'm going to be posting updates in both places.

If you just want the cute accessories, Bubblegum Plastic is your spot! But I'll also be bringing this content into Shoe Daydreams as a part of the whole.

Thanks for dropping by!
