The only thing I could ever use was Neutrogena oil, although I later found Khiel's Creme de Corps wasn't too bad and I found that a bottle of safflower oil (found for cheap in the grocery) works well to keep in moisture too. It doesn't have a smell so you can use plain or add in an essential oil and isn't too greasy.
Another reason I hate shaving was the whole animal testing thing that is done by makers of razors and shave gels/creams. Gilette, one of the largest brands, has been something that we have boycotted for years and years. Not only are these products expensive and wasteful (we hate how much disposable razor blades cost and how they are packaged) but they have done unneeded testing for years. Blech!
We've found some razor solutions but we've been looking for other shave gel options too. The hubby uses a Khiel's product but I've just been using a store brand can of shaving creme. But the other day, he came home from the store with this tube of Dr. Bronner's Magic Organic Fair Trade Tea Tree Shaving Soap Gel.

I've used it a few times and I have to say I like it. It has a pretty runny consistency when it comes out of the tube but then it froths up. It makes the razor move pretty easily and I haven't had any negative reactions, which is great.
If you can find this in your store, I would recommend it. I'm using the tea tree "flavor" but I now see that they have lavender and lemongrass lime (and more). I think I want to try those too.

The company also seems to have a commitment to fair trade and social responsibility. And as you know, I believe, like many people, but especially women, that it is not only the product we are buying but the company's values that are important to us too.
If you've found any good shaving solutions or companies doing a good job being socially responsible, I'd love to hear about them.
So this is great for women or men with thinner or finer facial hair. I bought it for my husband, cause I'm pretty green. He used it 2x, it didnt later enough so the razor would stop short and snag (it was a fresh blade and all).
I only use the good doc's hemp oil soaps. I find they latter up awesomely for shaving and peppermint is the best way to cool in the summer. Tea tree for break outs and almond in the winter. You should try almond oil after you shave, it is so good for locking in moister (unless you are allergic to nuts).
I would agree. The husband has not used it on his face. He actually uses the Khiels brushless shave cream -
I would be interested to know what greener razor options you have found-- I totally agree that the packaging on razors is out of control!
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